Sunday 23 October 2011

The Vampire Diaries - 3x06 - Smells Like Teen Spirit

In which it's the start of Senior Year, Stefan combines a Blood Orgy with a game of Twister, Tyler reveals his love for Klaus and Elena gets drunk.

Previously on The Vampire Diaries...
Klaus, now a full on hybrid, has been going around trying to make new hybrids, only to learn that he can't because Stefan has been hiding the fact that Elena is still alive. Angered by this, he goes on a rampage in Mystic Falls. After compelling Stefan to try and feed on Elena, he then compels Stefan to lose his humanity. Klaus then discovers that only by feeding on Elena's blood can a Hybrid survive the conversion process. He then uses this to make his first Hybrid, Tyler.

Klaus also resurrected his bitch sister, Rebecca, who has an awful mangled "British" accent and is generally a brat. She and Stefan go way back to 1920's Chicago where they went on a killing spree alongside Klaus... or something. Katherine and Damon discovered another way to kill Klaus - a vampire vampire hunter by the name of Michael (played by that guy who was Newton in Fringe) and after coming back from the dead at the end of last season, Jeremy has been haunted by the ghosts of former girlfriends Anna and Vicki.

This Week...
The Good
Elena has started to train with Alaric as a way of trying to get over Stefan or even saving him from Klaus' compulsion. This is a very promising addition to the story and an interesting development for Elena, who last season was willing to simply give up and die when she learned about Klaus and his ritual. It also pushes her character out of Bella Swan territory and makes her more of a Buffy Summers, which is honestly quite relieving.

The whole "Ghosts of Jeremy's Girlfriends" story is starting to have a point now too and it seems that Matt's little ritual to bring back his sister may have really huge repercussions for everyone in Mystic Falls. I really liked Anna in Season One, so I'm really happy to see her back this season and this all leads to a great shock cliffhanger at the end, which The Vampire Diaries is always good at doing.

It was also fascinating to see the role reversal between Stefan and Damon. You could easily see the scene with the Twister game happening back in Season One, with Damon feeding on the girls and Stefan taking the moral high ground. But here it's Damon all concerned whilst Stefan is sitting there with the girls' blood dripping down from his mouth. I hope Stefan stays bad for a while now as it's going to be very interesting to see how bad "Stefan the Ripper" really is.

The Bad
Rebecca. Oh Klaus, why didn't you dump her in someplace that was as far from Mystic Falls as possible? As you might have gathered from the recap, I really don't like her. She's dull and an annoying brat, which I'm sure is the intention of her character but I hope she starts to become less annoying soon. Though one of the show's biggest strengths is improving it's characters as the show goes on with really solid character development and of course, the ability to transform characters into one of the many supernatural beings that inhabit the world of the show, so I do have hope that Rebecca will be made into a much stronger character by the season's end.

Overall, this was a pretty solid episode and it dealt with the aftermath of last week's game-changer pretty well. It also giave us a great cliffhanger to keep us hooked over the next week. Once again, The Vampire Diaries has proven why it's much better than it's "vampire fad cash-in" title would suggest.

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